Thursday, August 19, 2010

Poorly Mummy

Well I am sorry for the delay in ''blogging'' but my Mummy was taken werry poorly and did ave to go ''opital'' which meant I stayed wiv Mum's fwiend an it was a mini holiday for me as she luvs me but we was apart for like 5 days and I did miss her werry werry much but I did texted her each day to let her know how much I weally do wurve her. Oh my goodness when she did come to get me it was such a surprise I wan around and around until I did feel werry dizzy.............Mummy did smelly real funny like lot's of oldie people so she had a long shower when she got home and then she did smell like my Mum. On the first day back with her I wouldnt leave her side and Mum says I am still sticking to her like glue but dat is cuz I am never ever EVER letting her go again. So there !!! In the picture you can see what did happen when silly Mum tried to read a magazine instead of giving me her full attention, she weally is a silly billy ! and we welcome everyone back. xxxxxxxx

1 comment:

Toby said...

Eye is werry appt dat your Mamma is better now. Kissy kissy Toby