Monday, August 2, 2010

Doggy Parlour

Soooooooooooooo, it's fairly apparent Mum is taking Lola & yours truly to the grooming parlour today....................we both got wind of it earlier when she didn't spent nearly as much time brushing my hair...........Mum is convinced she wants the ''bob'' look for me.............similar to the doglet in SATC2 who is actually quite a cool dude and kinda in my posse as you need a few celebs now and then to raise your the movie he is called ''baby'' but in real life he is called Gidget (I like it) Gormley (not so much) and is quite a veteran but looks kinda my age but is in fact 15 years old so really he is pushing a 100 so fair play to the chap as he is still in the movies and not suffering any ageism that the ''ladies'' seem to go through.

Anyhow.....if I am happy with my cut I will duly post pictures..........if it all goes quiet then you know I am throwing my bones out of my pram.

later girls & guys xx


Anonymous said...

you crack me up cosmos

Stephane said...

we did not get pictures from the grooming parlour though, why is that ? did it go wrong ? where is cosmos ? is lola his friend of girlfriend ? please answer and let us see grooming parlour pictures, thank you.

We also love cosmos

Dordogne Daisy said...

You is weely spoiled Cos, but I got an aircut yesterday, but your Mamam said I looked like a gwemlin.....wot's that?

Tobes (Fwance)

Dordogne Daisy said...

I fink your Mamam knows I is pwettier than u - ha ha

Pippa said...

pictures please ??? of dog cut