Monday, August 9, 2010

England V France

So the following convo took place between my French ''brother'' now bear in mind I taught him all he knows Toby is aware I say who, I say why and I say when and he is getting a bit too big for his paws, the picture on the right speaks for itself.

My Darling Mummy instigated by advising her Maman that her's (Me) was better ......i.e that I ''AM'' the cutest ickle Yorky and I am sent from the angels from up above, the following is a transcript .......

Toby : I don't fink so Cos, I am more dad left me to cut some grass and eye wuz very un appy

Cosmo : Is your papa back yet Gizmo (a loving nickname given by my doglet to their doglet)......a caring question we thought.......

Toby: Yes ee iz ? I is werry appy to see im, after wot you sed about me, leest he luvs me

Cosmo: He may luv u but what is ''natural'' about somefink that resembles an Eewok mixed with a gremlin ? ha ha ha

Toby : Mamam saiz if u is gonna keep dissing me, eye isnt to talk 2 u know more, I is sadded...I did not fink I woz that uglee.....(obviously Toby's parents do not allow mirrors in the house as you can see by the photographic evidence posted at the beginning of this blog and for those of a nervous disposition we do apologise)
Cosmo: Well now I duz likey u a bit allwight ? I is gonna giv ya a nicker name.....was finking Giz....Cuz u is always like kinda woofing to me.....Giz us one of yor tops Cos & Giz a ''puppy purse'' Cos.....innit dough ? Ow bowt Gizmolitious ? Duz u liket dat ????
Toby : I fink u is bein saar, sarkas, duh, orrible to mee and I dunno y cuz I dont arm anee bodee. in fact I is sleeping most of duh time cos i fink i is deepressed bout the fings u iz saying
END OF TRANSCRIPT as the conversation is now being assessed for legal purposes.
It's FAIRLY obvious Toby is doing his Mr Innocent, let's face what can he do with the get up he was posted wearing on facebook today I mean I ask you.......anyway my adoring fan's you all ''KNOW'' what you must do................go battle forth in my name and shout from the rooftops.......WE WANT COSMO, WE WANT COSMO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I kinda think this was 50/50 but if I am to go on looks than Cosmos would get it. He is really handsome.