Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I have been hoodwinked

So we went back to the vets and bliss !!! they did take off my plaster.....oh the relief, I was werry happy until......da nasty vet done put a lampshade on me ead and I duz ave to wear it for ages and's werry irritating, I bangs into fings and it is ''ruining'' my hair do !!! I mean what's a dawg to do.....................
Bang goes ''any'' hope of me getting a L'oreal contract, it's far far worse dan hat head I can tell ya and my mummy hasn't even blinged it...........if I am good I am allowed to have a rest from it in the day but the minute I try and lick my baddy leg it goes wight back still on enforced rest, have watched all da doggy what to do, sleepin is for nighty time and not all day, I don't know....Mum keeps saying its for da best and I will soon be pawfect again but I am considering Dogumenting fings to make our lives easier as there as ta be an easier way dan dis ????

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