Sunday, July 3, 2011

A very ''LONG'' Walk

So mummy and I did goz on a walk diz affernoon, it did start off werry well but den mum did see whatz called a bwidle paff (Bridle Path) in da olden dayz deze used 2 b 4 Mum has ''NEVA'' ad ''ANY'' sense a diwectun but she fawt dis wood be a diffurent way ome....oh my days it koodn't be mur wong an on dis video poor ole mum finks she is soooo wight....shame weally....anyways...u injoy

okeedokee.....da video cutz out and mum gibs up cuz we at werry diffewent wiva to da one we normally walks along......dere is a fork in da woad an one says dead end so we kan only go one we is walkin....well, mum is as I is kream krackered so mum az ta pick me video says it all but ''we'' did an xtra 2 miles excercise so dat cantz be soo bad ? baa haa haa.....ROTFL I iz, poor mum xxx

So when we did finally wetrace r steps.....& get back ome wiv ''none'' a da shoppin we was meant to ave gotten....Sunday papers, chocolate, stuff like dat....mummy got er furriend 2 dwive her to da shops & I juz had a sleep......tee hee hee, we finks mum needs a tom tom but evin datz az gone wong wong wiv her xoxo

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