Friday, September 2, 2011


Hewwo eburryone,

Well we iz slowly but surely adding to da C.C collection an haz deweloped da Bow-Collar.......a denim collar wiv a Dickie-Bow attached for the boys and a Bow for da girls........these are in polka dots so werry on trend...................the blue her is for the boy and da red for da girl but we can mix it up !!!....dere be more colours below............gawjus !!!

They be kwite a nice change and are werry specul for parties and juz showing off to your be my Brovva Mr Dillon Healy modellin da boys version in red...he looks spiffin !!!

I finks you will agree de red iz just as good fur da boys as well as da girlies....and a course here be me

I ad been cawt sleepin on me modellin job but mum ad not agweed me paw rise so i fawt wite den !!! We az now cum to an agweemint and eburryfing is A-OK (fur now but am still pushing fur an xtra Bonio and az ya all knows I duz ab her wrapped around me paws........and finally.....................

we now be intwoducing Bowdana's in da polka dotz as in line wiv da fashion cwaze for like da star Bowdana da background is denim but we can also do an alt...alz...umm...''got it'' different colour so you kood ave a red background on the red/white dots and the white/red dots or go wiv da denim as we do wiv da Star Bowdana's......we will always make what da kustomer wants cuz YOU be what we iz all's Cosmolitious !!! Da Bow-Collar can have any of these colours too and our evening range is coming soon in velvets and silks just in time for the party season soon to cum up and ''bite'' us so go to your hooman parents and tell dem what u wanna be spending your ''Paw''-kit money on and ''WOW'' your fur pals down the park !!!.....................Laters, Cosmo xoxo

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