Saturday, July 9, 2011

Russia has Victor but we will be Victorious : part 3

So I was wite and mummy waz finking ob me......we left off wiv me on me ownsum feelin a bit down and den I getz dis message from me mummy.....
Leigh Cowderoy : Has a funny feeling my baby boy is a bit lonely so sendz a big kiss across the ocean *huge puff and there it goes* and a cyber cuddle wrapped in a snuggle and scattered with magical fairy dust in case he needs some help......let me know when u have caught all my love Cosmolitious xoxo
Cosmo Cowderoy : OOOOOOH....I cawt da most majikal gifty frum my mummy.....I iz snug as a bug in a wug xoxo an i duz ave sum majikal powas ta get Victor Flagel
Cosmo Cowderoy : Good news !!! Susan Kelly is safe....we juz be twying 2 get her exact locatun but oh so appy she be ok and she wiv Clara da Dwagon
Cosmo Cowderoy : OK Hazel Grey Valentine .................... so we sortz Susan an Clara out 2morra......we iz soooooo close ta Victor Flagel, afta our wide....but I finks ee az bin dwugged be Susan Kelly
Cosmo Cowderoy : anytime MrDillon Healy.....I mean Sarjunt.......I will take sum zzzzzzzzz's whilst u fart asses about.....harrumph....stomps off
MrDillon Healy : No fart assings abouts .... we needs to gets a good night sleep and start afwesh in da morning, dis is one of da most impotent misshuns we has ever undertaken - Victor is pawsome and we needs him backs wiv us
Cosmo Cowderoy : agwee Sarjunt.....Susan Kelly and Clara az bin picked up in da GEJ an will b back at da castle in 2.5 minutes so if we all getz sum west.....fink u should send a final message 2 her ta lay off da vodka or she'll be legless and useless fur 2morra
Cosmo Cowderoy : ok MrDillon Healy, I iz back on da main fred.....iz ya here ???
MrDillon Healy : I is ... now gets some west Cos, we has major works to do tomowwow
Cosmo Cowderoy : ok Bro....night night *whispers* loves ya D x
MrDillon Healy : ‎*whispers back so not to ruin his tough guy image* Luvs you too little bro ♥
Susan Kelly : Sir? Clara and I are back at castle. Per your instructions, I am laying off the sauce! I will be bright andchipper to rescue Victor. Should I meet you tomorrow morning with Hector?
Cosmo Cowderoy : yep.....Susan Kelly, we will all be weconveenin 2morrow so ave a good nites sleep xoxo nighty night
Susan Kelly : Goodnight Cos. You are very brave!..........
We all wake refreshed the next morning.......Susan is ready and raring to go with her new dragon ''Hector''.....and we continue........and like the ''Wizard of Oz we go from plain script into glorious technicolour with all the caste members profile pics (mummy elped me)
Susan Kelly : I just don't know Hector. I thought for sure we would have heard from Cos, or the Sargunt by now. You don't think that they have been captured too, do you? If we don't hear from them soon, I think you and I should head out for Mother Russia and hunt them down."  

    • Susan Kelly Hector, do you want a cup of coffee? No, you cannot have any bailys irish cream in it. I am not aloud to drink at the present time" *sits down with cup of coffee and hands Hector a huge gallon sized mug of coffee*

    • Cosmo Cowderoy I be here Susan Kelly.......I went out in my invisible cloak as I ''know'' we are close to Victor Flagel but I dont wanna get r u getting on with H ?

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*Zooms into castle* AT..TEN..SHUN : Come on guys, snaps to it !!!!

    • Cosmo Cowderoy Hi dere Sargent !

    • MrDillon Healy Is you here on your own Cos ?

    • Cosmo Cowderoy Sir yes Sir....Susan Kelly is waitin on yor instwuctions to fly on da new Dwagon Hector to us.....I az yapped for Hazel Grey Valentine and Ellen Krutolow but they went out dancing last night with sum cossacks so no idea where dey be

    • Cosmo Cowderoy Victor Flagel has bin werry quiet an he az his PDA wiv im so datz a worry *scwatches ead and finks what else we can do ta find him* we iz sooooooooo close......can almost smell im

    • MrDillon Healy First fings first, I is gonna put Hazel & Pwecious on a charge for failings to weport for duty - dey can has a day in da cooler to reconsider their pwiorities. Secondly, get a message to Susan pleeze Cos - we needs dat dwagon here PDQ

    • Cosmo Cowderoy okee cokety, I be on da case Sarjunt !

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*Picks up walkie talkie* Victor, come in Victor over


    • MrDillon Healy VICTOR, COME IN VICTOR over and out

    • Cosmo Cowderoy I finks our leader bin dwugged up again Sarge......d'ya fink dey knows we iz close ? dat raft got us to at least a fuw undred yards but wiv all da snow it be sooo ard ta see *puts snow goggles on to elp weduce da glare*

    • Hazel Grey Valentine DAT COS is a stowy teller! Ise here, just bushed fwom alls dat digging!

    • Susan Kelly ‎"oh Hector, we got our marching orders. finish up your coffee buddy. Do you have to go to the bathroom before we leave? ok, well hurry up. And wash your paw's when you're done!"

    • MrDillon Healy What you saying Hazel, you wasn't dancing wiv Cossacks last night ?

    • Hazel Grey Valentine shits no! ISe was workin!

    • MrDillon Healy Hmmm - fink da jury's out on dat one but I is gonna gives you da benefit of da doubt this time.

    • MrDillon Healy Hazel, get da snowmobile out of da little bag of twicks pleeze


    • Hazel Grey Valentine ‎*starts blowing up da snowmobile sled*

    • Cosmo Cowderoy Hazel Wazel.....why u wearin sat Cossacks hat den ? dey dont give em up lightly ??? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm

    • Cosmo Cowderoy watcha want me ta do Sargent ???

    • Hazel Grey Valentine ISE POSTED! *huffing and puffing on da sled thingy*
      5 hours ago ·

    • MrDillon Healy Gwab da radio from da jet Cos and anyfing else dat's loose, we is gonna has to abandon it !

    • MrDillon Healy Soon as youse boff finished, jump on da snowmobile .... we is outta here

    • Hazel Grey Valentine ‎*feeling light headed* ok, it weady!

    • MrDillon Healy Where's damn Susan, hope she's not cwashed Hector

    • Cosmo Cowderoy got what else will elp.....hmmmmmm

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*uses walkie talkie* Susan, what's your ETA

    • Hazel Grey Valentine ‎*hopes on the sled with bag of twicks*

    • Cosmo Cowderoy wememba D....Hector is kwite a raw weecwute so will take a bit longa dan good ole Clara

    • MrDillon Healy Hmm no wesponse from Susan, OK we has to go and she will has to follow our twail. *Starts engine on snowmobile* WOOOOOOOOOSH

    • MrDillon Healy I understands Cos but we can'ts waste no more time, Victor could be mortal dangers

    • Cosmo Cowderoy wow....dese fings go Faaaaaaast......whooo hoooooooooo

    • MrDillon Healy Pwetty impwesive huh Cos ?

    • Cosmo Cowderoy az ya picked up any signal fur iz PDA ???

    • Hazel Grey Valentine ‎*holds onto hat*

    • MrDillon Healy Nope, I is weally wowwied. *Zooms up da snow covered mountain and takes off* OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO​O

    • Cosmo Cowderoy Oh my dayz it be kwit amazin D.....furst time I bin on one......u sure iz a good dwiber

    • Cosmo Cowderoy ‎*covers eyes wiv one paw and grabs onto D wiv ova paw*

    • MrDillon Healy Don't wowwy Cos, what goes up must come doooooowwwnnn

    • Hazel Grey Valentine shits...what now?

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*B U M P, B U M P, B U M P E D Y BUMP*

    • Cosmo Cowderoy sum of da downs & jumps sure be windin me....BURP..ooops...s​owwy

    • MrDillon Healy Everybody OKs?

    • Hazel Grey Valentine yup! We dere yet?

    • MrDillon Healy Hope I hasn't knocked out da suspenshun dere

    • Cosmo Cowderoy ‎*catches breaf*......yeeesssssss Sarge

    • Hazel Grey Valentine ‎*glad she was sitting on the bag of twicks for padding*

    • MrDillon Healy Nearly - can you see dem domes ober dere .... dat be da top of da pwison where dey is keeping Victor

    • MrDillon Healy Get da machine guns out of da bag Hazel and hands dem round. We can't goes in dere unarmed

    • Hazel Grey Valentine shits...we going to habs to go in undergwound again, D...he said it was Messengers, so you know dey habs all da entrances bwocked...

    • Hazel Grey Valentine ‎*hands out guns* Cos, you know how to use dis?

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*Scweetches to a halt outside da pwison* Den get da TNT out too Hazel

    • Cosmo Cowderoy Oh yepp...did shootin wange last week Haze

    • MrDillon Healy You got enuff explosive for da job Hazel or does I has to pinch some of Berts

    • Hazel Grey Valentine no, Ise gibbed dem all to Bert! Homeland Security was wooking for me!

    • Cosmo Cowderoy here be da blueprint D dat Victor sent for da unnerground tunnels

    • MrDillon Healy OMD Den dere is nuffing else for it, we is gonna has to dwive da snowmobile through da blockades. Back on board guys and hangs on tight

    • MrDillon Healy Zoooom ... cwash, bang wallop .... we'se in guys ! Cos, you cans be navigator

    • MrDillon Healy Which way does we go Cos ?

    • MrDillon Healy COS, HAZEL .... WHERE'S YOU GONE *pushes aside da rubble of da blockade to see if dey is buwwied*

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*Hmmm, seems to be on my own* *Puts little nose into air and takes a BIG SNIFF* OMD I cans smell Victor, he has to be pwetty close by

    • Hazel Grey Valentine sowee! FB not gibing me posts! Ise here!

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*Checking signal for PDA ... bleep, bleep, bleeeeeeeeeeep* Oh wow, coming from dat tunnel on da left - wish I hads someone to mind my back

    • Hazel Grey Valentine wight behinds you! (with the bag ob twicks)

    • MrDillon Healy You got Cos ?

    • Hazel Grey Valentine no, he was dwinking da vodka gain in da sled...

    • MrDillon Healy Dat damn vodka, should have confiskated it ! Right, watch my back Hazel I'se going in *puts two hands on da gun and cweeps forward*

    • Cosmo Cowderoy I fell of da back u dunkin dohnut.....cum getz me I iz in a snow hole !!!!

    • Cosmo Cowderoy Help...........I stuck in da dwift...D u goes toooooo fast....can ya see me *waves paws*

    • Hazel Grey Valentine ‎*goes in backward behind D* shits, Cos is stuck in da hole, D!

    • MrDillon Healy Quick Hazel, go get dat numbskull out of da snow *sometimes dat boy is more twouble dan he's worth

    • Hazel Grey Valentine ‎*runs to Cos and pulls him up* now hold dis gun likes dis, and follow me!

    • Cosmo Cowderoy okaaaaaaay *jeeeeeez*

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*Edges against wall of tunnel and peeks awound da corner* Holy shits, there is dozens of dem messengers, we is gonna be outnumbered. Have to fink of anuvver plan hmmmm

    • Hazel Grey Valentine how bouts we use dere own twicks against em? CLONE ourselves?

    • Cosmo Cowderoy least ya dont dwibe like a nutta *mumbles to imself NEVA to go wiv D on a snowmobile/car/bike/horse/​camel/skateboard* wite.....I likes da feel a dis Gun.......kapow

    • MrDillon Healy Bwilliant idea Hazel, get da clone machine

    • Cosmo Cowderoy I'z got me cloak in me backpack....I be sorted......u be ok and cloaked ?

    • Hazel Grey Valentine ‎*sets it up* Ise tinks we needs to only habs 1 of Cos, D. Dat should be enuf

    • MrDillon Healy I'se totally agwees ... actually we shoulds get a dozen each of us two, we don'ts need a clone of Cos at all - he has his invisible cloak

    • Cosmo Cowderoy kourse...dat makes sense cuz dey kant be seein da weel me can dey ??? .... pokes Hazel Grey Valentine ... KAN DEY ? kan ya see me ? an don't u be mentunin me breaf

    • Hazel Grey Valentine ok, gets in!

    • Cosmo Cowderoy wight.....*sniffs air* D...ere be da bluprwint

    • Hazel Grey Valentine hush it cos! Ur gonna gibs urself away! And used dis breaf mint!

    • MrDillon Healy When we has cloned ourselves, we will sends Cos in cos dey won't sees him coming ... when he's in da middle of dem he can whips off his cloak and wun towards us and our clones .... right ?

    • Hazel Grey Valentine I know, Cos, you go ins unseen, and gets Victor Flagel, tell hims to gets in under it width you (wide his back) and we will takes care of de messengers.

    • MrDillon Healy Noooooooooooooooo dat be too onerus a task for little ol Cos

    • Cosmo Cowderoy whispers *Iz gonna getz u back fur dat Haze but FANKS*.....duz we best use signy/paw lanuage ? or our PDA's so da messinjers can't hear uz ?

    • MrDillon Healy PDA'S Cos, just in case Victor uses his
      5 hours ago ·

    • Hazel Grey Valentine Make sure, Cos, dat Victor Flagel paws are cobered width da cloak! he tallers dan you!

    • Cosmo Cowderoy few............blinkin well agree...passes cloak to Hazel....dere u go Haze
      5 hours ago ·

    • MrDillon Healy S'cuse me,has I becum invisible too cos everyone's not listening to me·
    • Hazel Grey Valentine shits...ok, Ise going to clone myself and leabs dem here, den Ise will go in for Victor Flagel

    • Hazel Grey Valentine youse not gibbed any D!

    • MrDillon Healy We goes in a team Deputy Hazel, you don't knows what's behind dat door

    • Hazel Grey Valentine you sure you want Cos to cubber your back width da Messengers?

    • MrDillon Healy Don't worrys, he can wun faster dan da messengers ... da clones can jump dem as dey go past

    • Hazel Grey Valentine ‎*clones self x6* shits! dats a wot of Hazels!

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*whispers* Cos, don't lets me down on this one

    • MrDillon Healy Ooooooooooooo I feel quite feint, I is seeings 6 of everyfing

    • Cosmo Cowderoy Iz be da shortest *types in PDA* i be amungst dem......what u want me ta do D ???

    • Hazel Grey Valentine gets in D! Ur turn

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*Jumps into clone machine* Comes out by da half dozen


    • MrDillon Healy Right Hazel, here he comes - go awound da clones and run for da holding cell when da messengers comes past

    • Cosmo Cowderoy I wunnnning.........NOW

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*Gets out skeleton key weady to open door*

    • MrDillon Healy HAZEL ... GO, GO, GO

    • Cosmo Cowderoy ‎*types into PDA* i kan see Victor Flagelover dere.....see ?????

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*Reaches door, unlocks it wiv da skeleton key* Hazel, cover da door way wiv your weapon just in case

    • Cosmo Cowderoy ‎*hunches down* and waits....................O​h My Dayz

    • MrDillon Healy OH BOSS, IS IS SO GLADS TO SEE YOU. HAS DEY HURTED YOU IN ANY WAY ? BOSS, BOSS ? *shakes Victor's shoulder*

    • MrDillon Healy ‎* shakes again but nuffink *

    • MrDillon Healy Cos, Hazel - Victor is dwugged again, we is gonna has to cawwy him to da snowmobile. Hazel, does you has a stwetcher in da bag of twicks?

    • Cosmo Cowderoy wuns up and cuddles Victor Flagel *whispers ta D* why ee no be talkin D ????

    • MrDillon Healy They has dwugged him up to his eye balls, we needs to gets him to a medic asap, I don't likes da look of him

    • Cosmo Cowderoy OOOOOH dey be sooooooo evil...................wel​l ''KARMA'' and us will get dem......where be Haze dough......where she be D ?

    • MrDillon Healy Where's Hazel gone wiv dat damn stwetcher?

    • MrDillon Healy OMD I hopes da messengers hasn't kaptured her

    • Cosmo Cowderoy I smells more trubble Sarge......I gonna wun out an get a stwetcha meeself....b back in 2 mins *wuns like da wind*

    • Cosmo Cowderoy I be ok....I still got me cloak.........youz waits dere ok....I'z at da skidooo alweddy

    • Cosmo Cowderoy OK D........I be back wiv da stwetcha............lifts off cloak so Sargent can see me ............... OMD Victor Flagel be lookin soooooo pale

    • MrDillon Healy Quick Cos, let's get him on da stwetcha - cans you manage his back paws if I has his shoulders?

    • MrDillon Healy Gee ... dis guy is heavy

    • MrDillon Healy Puff, pant, pant ... not as young as I used to be, dis is hard work

    • Cosmo Cowderoy tell me bout it D

    • Cosmo Cowderoy we alfway dere now D

    • MrDillon Healy After free Cos ..... heave

    • Cosmo Cowderoy OH.......MY........DAYS

    • MrDillon Healy Hope dis stwetcha's got wheels Cos ovverwise it gonna takes us forever to gets him out of dis tunnel - we needs more elp

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*Scwatches head* Where on earf did Hazel go, hopes we hasn't gots to mount anuvver wescue misshun for her

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*Radios Susan* SUSAN, COME IN SUSAN, OVER

    • Cosmo Cowderoy I'z got sum marbles....Toby lost all a hiz so I kept em.....we kood put dem all unda da stwetcha an woll im ot dat way ???

    • MrDillon Healy Wos Cos, you isn't just a pwetty face ....

    • Cosmo Cowderoy I twied Susan Sarge.......fink Hector az flowin in da wong direction but she ad got a taste fur da vodka

    • Cosmo Cowderoy ‎*chucks all a Tobe's marbles unda da stwetcher* here we goes D

    • MrDillon Healy Impewative dat I gets in touch wiv Susan Cos, da jet is damaged so we needs Susan and Hector to fly Victor out. *Whips out mobile phone and sends urgent text to Susan* Let's put Victor down by here Cos whiles we katches our bweath

    • Susan Kelly I'm hear, Sarg, I'm here!!! Hector and I are just getting out of the shower.

    • MrDillon Healy SHOWER???? SHOWER????? Youse taking a shower while we is on a wescue misshun ??????

    • Susan Kelly ‎*ok, Hector, I think we are ready to go. Not sure why you thought you needed to take a shower before he left"

    • Susan Kelly um, well Sarg, Hector wanted to look his best. It's his first mission Sir!

    • Susan Kelly But, we're ready now!

    • MrDillon Healy SUSAN, GET DAT DWAGON HERE STWAIGHT AWAY - DON'T TAKES NO MORE NONSENCE FWOM HIM. Use da sat nav to find da Wussian Pwison and meets us by da bottom of da souff tower

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*slaps forehead* I dispares, I onestly dispares

    • Hazel Grey Valentine dam customers keeps taking my typist!

    • Susan Kelly ‎*susan climbs up on Hectors back and grabs hold of the reigns" "ok, Hector, punching in the navigation code and of weeeeee goooooooooooooo"

    • Cosmo Cowderoy Finks we needz to have a tough training programme fur da dwagons *and others* when we getz back ome Sarge

    • Susan Kelly Sarg? we're here! Burrrrr, it's cold. Hector, some of your scales are still damp. Let me know if you get cold.

    • Ellen Krutolow ‎*Pwecious sends smoke signals ober to Russia* Momma is on advertising appointments....SAVE ME some Vodka.

    • Hazel Grey Valentine bahahaha! Pwecious!

    • Cosmo Cowderoy wowsa.......Hector you looks good......wuns ta Susan and whispers *be careful cuz da Sarge be in a tewwible tempa*

    • Susan Kelly ‎"Hello? Saregunt? Cos? "
      4 hours ago ·


    • Susan Kelly Hector, do you think that The Boss is being held in this tower?
      4 hours ago ·

    • MrDillon Healy Susan, is dat dwagon weady to take on dis himpotent misshun

    • Cosmo Cowderoy oooooooops I still be unda me invisible I be Susan *shakes paw to Hecor*

    • Ellen Krutolow Den I's confiscatin' da CHICKEN, SIR!

    • Susan Kelly Cos! Hello! Sir, yes, I believe Hector is ready. He is young and a little bit nervous, but he is excited to be involved in rescuing Victor, Sir!


    • Cosmo Cowderoy OK....letz get back to Victor Flagel he looks grey

    • Susan Kelly ‎*whispers to Cos-"why is the Sarg so crabby Cos? is he hungover?" 

    • Susan Kelly ‎"he duz look grey...hey ho ! Come on Hector, we have to save The Boss!"

    • MrDillon Healy I IS TEETOTAL !!! Nuff chin wagging,let's get Victor onto Hector ... all togevver now H E A V E

    • Susan Kelly ‎"Hector, you have to go to the bathroom, NOW?"

    • Hazel Grey Valentine ‎*lifts a leg*

    • Ellen Krutolow ‎*smokes herself out....coughs a bits*.....I's on Chicken STRIKE....and no Watermelon either. But I's ain't fighting, SIR. Oh shits, momma's gots to go again. I'm coming momma....GEEZ, *sticks out her tongue*

    • Susan Kelly ‎"whoa boy, hold steady Hector"

    • Hazel Grey Valentine just pee on the floor! we ain't stayin!

    • MrDillon Healy Why is youse lifting da dwagons leg Hazel ????

    • Hazel Grey Valentine oh, Ise tought you said lift da BOSS! Ise was lifting his weg!

    • Susan Kelly Cos, take off the cloak and help now!

    • Susan Kelly ‎"Hazel, I think he meant to lift Victors leg!"
    • Susan Kelly lift, sorry!

    • MrDillon Healy Bahahahahaha

    • Cosmo Cowderoy ok....3,2,1 now

    • MrDillon Healy H E A V E .......

    • Susan Kelly ‎"whats that Hector? No sweetie, no coffee right now. It makes you have to go to bathroom" Hold steady sweet Dragon.

    • Hazel Grey Valentine uhhh! he needs a diet pwan!

    • Cosmo Cowderoy ok.......Victor Flagel be on now we gotsa make sure he be stwapped in and secure

    • MrDillon Healy Phew, hopes he can cawwy da boss - dis is da most himpotent passenger he will every has

    • Susan Kelly ‎"He is a very solid Rottie, isn't he!" Hector, he doesn't feel too heavy for you?"

    • Hazel Grey Valentine packs up bay ob twicks

    • Susan Kelly ‎*Hector puffs up his chest and ROARS* "oh, he is so proud to be saving Victor the boss"

    • Hazel Grey Valentine lets get da heck out ob here!

    • MrDillon Healy We is all gonna has to wide on da dwagons tail ... can he carrys us all Susan, we is all little

    • Susan Kelly How is everyone getting back? Should I ride with Hector and Victor?

    • Cosmo Cowderoy I soooooooo agree.....letz go go GO !!!!!!!

    • MrDillon Healy No, we all has to wide wiv him - Me, Hazel and Cos has no ovver means of twansport

    • Cosmo Cowderoy I grab on ta D again cuz he not flying da Dwagon....tee hee hee

    • MrDillon Healy Huwwy up Hector, I needs to potty

    • Susan Kelly ‎"hector, you can do this baby! You can do this! Up and AWAYYYYYYYYYYY"


    • Susan Kelly ‎"hector, you can do this baby! You can do this! Up and AWAYYYYYYYYYYY"

    • Susan Kelly ‎"Sar, you wheelios are pinching Hectors tail!

    • Hazel Grey Valentine shits, don't piss him off!

    • Susan Kelly ‎*punches in code to GPS, and gang lands back at castle*

    • MrDillon Healy Oops sowwy Hector *adjusts wheels* dat better ?

    • Susan Kelly We're home!!

    • MrDillon Healy ‎*Dilly's off first and heading for da cloakroom*

    • Hazel Grey Valentine bye all! gots to go back to work!

    • Cosmo Cowderoy Oh My Dayz....sooooo good to be ome....kisses floor and wall and even Hector

    • MrDillon Healy OMD dat's better .... wight, take Victor to da sick bay and hand him over to da medic, I'se gonna has a little lie down zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    • Susan Kelly ‎*grunts as she hauls Victor off of Hector* "Um, a little help here! He is dead weight, isn't he?" Are we taking him to hospital Cos?
      4 hours ago ·

    • Cosmo Cowderoy I'z gonna skype me mummy and den ab a cup a tea

    • Cosmo Cowderoy to da medic Susan Kelly.........i show ya

    • Susan Kelly Ok, off to medic with you Mr. Victor. Hector, I will be right back to give you a massage and perhaps we can have a cup of tea together!"

    • Susan Kelly Great Job Everyone!!

And dat be ''almost'' da end of our Wussian Mission.......Victor is on da hunt now fur whoever did dis to im.......he had ta go ta sickbay but waz wealeased yesserday........Hazel,Pwecious & Bunny all ok.....Susan is deeply in lub wiv Hector da dwagon and me ??? Well I be ........COSMOLITIOUS !



Myra said...

Wow,wow,wow,this is such a "Pawsome Adventure"Cosmos you must of had such a lovely time, your mommy is very clever,to have explained it all for us "Merci"
love and miss you both xxxxx

Gina The Min Pin said...

Teehee, U have quite the imagination, my furiend! Carry on!