Now we is back in Engerland we has had werry wet weather......rain and rain, wind (& not just me), luckily I have a selection of raincoats which is werry important for us Yorkies cuz we have hair instead of fur so when we getz wet we stayz wet and then we starts to shiver.
I found some poops but Mummy was way toooo quick so dat did put an end to my normal game of doing a breakdance over the poop, but den it would have meant bath time which is one time I dontz like da water so much.
I likes the rain a lot and lubs to splishy splash in da puddlez, I fink dats why I likes Engerland better dan Dubai as dere is much more water to play in........Mummy even wore her welly boots today (even these have been attacked by her crystal addiction !!! I duz like em cuz they be all sparkly..............I fink she was a magpie in another life, BOL.
Us dogs have a god-given right to be in water, no matter where it is or what its colour or small. We know we have this right, particularly when our hoomanz throw sticks and balls into ponds, lakes and even the sea. If your hooman is ever slow at throwing it in, enter da water first to let dem know you wantz to play this game !!!
''The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog'' - Ambrose Bierce.
Nothing like a wet n waggy doggy !!! Lovely pictures :)
LOVE your site Cosmo!! great pics, and look forward to more BlongThings too!! love from Pipsqueak and Ruth xxx
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