Thursday, April 7, 2011


Oh my days what is this ??? says swimming suit...............please No Mum, I will never live it down, I gotsa keep me street cred.......
So it's my swimming lesson today which duz be elping me leg a lot, I quite likes da water and swam a lot when we was living in Dubai..., we swimz at Hendon and they be werry lovely to me there.

sumtimes I tries to drink some of da water but it dont really taste as good as da normal stuff but I always finks it will empty da pool quickly if I dwinks da water.....
If I getz da hiccups I has to come out for a rest and datz when I get ''drowned rat'' comments from da silly hoomanz !!!

Wish me luck anipals and I will see's you all later.................woofy p.s If u click on the post title ''Hydro-fur-apy'' it'll take you to da people at Hendon who helps lotsa dawgs like me for more information.

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