When mummy an Wachy (if she lubs u datz what u calls er) had a disco nap dey gotted weddy an drove to Wachy's mums house where dey did champers, nom noms and a special burfday cake for da burfday girly....dey even did doggie nom noms cuz dey know I is a ''Super-doggel'' .....I ad ta do a few pawtographs but datz ow life is when u b in da spotlight....I let a few people look at me but didnt let no-body touchy me....datz weserved for special hoomanz.
Dis be da burfday cake.....Wachy looks werry young for 40 dont'cha fink ?
Dis be Wachy on da left and my mommy on da right......dey be all glammed up !!!
Dis is dem again in da limo......I allowed dese pic's to be taken wivout me cuz I ad a boys night in wiv Wachy's Mum's B.F who be called Brian...he lubs me an I kwite likes him.....we went for a walk an I did 2 fat squidgy wet ones for him !!! tee hee hee....den we went back ome and watched animal planet and I ad a few doggie dohnuts......nom noms....dey were furbulous.
Mummy (bless her) ordered just da one cocktail in my honour....course it was a ''COSMOPOLITAN'' which is what I was named afta but I be Cosmo for short.....now I still not sure bout being named after a cocktail but it was dat or Pucci so I kwite appy wiv it and I finks I is a Cosmo type a dawg ? *nuff said*
Dis be the ''little'' cocktail Mummy had, she was impwessed it did lasty her for 3 hours.....I should fink so...I could of ad a swimming lesson in it t'was so big.
Dis be the ''little'' cocktail Mummy had, she was impwessed it did lasty her for 3 hours.....I should fink so...I could of ad a swimming lesson in it t'was so big.
Dis be da two BFF's togevva.......dey lubs each over like no over and I fink dats good....u gotta ave furriends aint ya ?
Den dey all traipsed ome...an I mean traipsed....in fact mummy did her tippy toppy walk cuz her heels were nearly as tall as me.....Limo to Bar heels she calles em but dey did make her look way tall so she was happy.....mind u as soon as she got in she put her leopard print slippers on.....dont blamey her....I ignored her for a bit and told er to talk to da paw as this picture shows.....u gotsa make em fink u has been miserable even dough I had de bestest time wiv Brian !!!
So dat was da PAWTY....next one is only gonna appen if I is allowed ta go......I will be da ''pawfect'' guest of honor............I lubs to pawty...I be doing my breakdance which I normally duz on fox poo but sumtimes just ta keep mum appy I duz it on da rug.
Later folks and wemember....................it's gotta be COSMOLITIOUS.
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