Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Pwecious and no...... not Precious !

This is Pwecious, my wunnerful sister.......it was her Barkday a while back and me sent her some special gifts juzz for her cuz she is poorly.......so I did send sum majikal fairwy dust......a spechul glass tube wiv a wish for her to use......a furry pink purse to put her most impartunt fings in and dis cupcake wiv her name on it.......don't she look juzz bootiful ? Me werry proud of her cause she fightin and fightin and well all helps by makin her smile and laff and juzz making sure she knows she is lubbed.....here be my sis wiv da west of her Gifts frum me and her ova pals............. It wood sure meanz a lot if you kood all keep her in your prayers for me......cuz prayers are werry powerful iznt dey and da more da prayers da stronger it be......fanks you my pals xxx and Pwecious.......me lubs you more dan chikken, beef and ebin sparklies, your loving brovva Cosmo.


Birgit and Marni said...

Love you Cosmo and love you too Pwecious!!!!!!! xxxx

Birgit and Marni said...

Love you Cosmo and love you too Pwecious! xxxx

Birgit and Marni said...

Love you Cosmo and Pwecious!!! xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi there Cosmo I am so glad you got your Blog back up & running! I just wanted to stop by to say Hello to Pwecious let her know how special her & her Mummy are to us dat we think about them & pray for them every day & that we love them so very very much!! I also wanted to tell you how much I miss you & that I love you more then all the chicken & duck in the world & will love you forever & ever! Love, Prissy