So mummy and I had made wunnerful friendz wiv Tepo Wallace and Dress My Dog on facebook and twitter, we had spoken on da dog n bone & dey had helped an guidid me mummy frew sum tough an tricky times so it waz time fur sum fun and to finally meet dem so off mummy drove (wiv her tom tom so we woodnt go wong wong) to da seaside near Folkstone........we waz soooooo excitid we juz ad to get to da harbour and beach so when we gotz to dere hoose we piled in to dere car and looky what we saw.................
As you can see da purple colour be werry popular wiv da boats but me not know why.................
Den we passed diz special Mermaid who watches out fur eburryone and dere was cwazy peeps swimmin in da sea !!! now da sun waz out but it waz Septemba & ooooh so breezy.....wowsa
But we fawt it waz a good foto op so mummy primped and preamed my hair just sooooooooooo
Baaaaaa Haaaaa Haaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!! me dntz fink L'oreal willz be callin me anytime soon and aldough it looks like it we didnt stwetch da photo.....sooooo funny.....dats me dough, da Dog wiv a Bob on his blog , lubs
we said ello to da baby gulls as dey is not so scawy az da big one's who steal ya food.....and den we went down to da off and letz play at sandcastles, Antee Linda did buy me my werry own bucket and spade kit.....oh my days I waz just soooooooo excited to get diggin and playing
Now I will hold ne ickle paws up and admit I got a ickle bit ob help for da final wesult......looky
I was King of da Castle
well we waz all so tired afta working so hard dere waz only one fing fur it ''FISH & CHIPS''
oh the smell, I waz dribblin just wiv da wafts of it comin near me, smellin da wunnerful fish an i pleaded and pleaded and it worked !
afta lunch as we got up to walk to da car mummy stopped az she waz feeling a bit sandy......BOL
Me mummy be silly but we lubs her *nods head* , den we said goodbye to da beach & harbour..........
and Ta Ta Folkestone and back to da hoose.......what a wunnerful day wiv wunnerful people (my Antee Linda & Unkle Jim), by da time we gotz back to da hoose I was sooooo tired..........
I waz out fur da kount whilst da hoomanz had sum vino collapso and watched dat funny programmy called da X factor, me finks dere should be anipals woofin on dere so went back to zzzzzzzzzzz
So datz waz da end to a ''pawfect'' day and we iz sure to go back again and again and again cuz our new furriends be wunnerful people through thick & thin and dat my pals is ''Priceless'' xxx