Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hoppity Easter

Hewwos my sowwy I haz been away so long....I haz bin helping mummy ta get gettin ''werry'' eggcited fur EASTER !!! woods luvs ta be a wabbit.....what u finks ?

we werrrrrry happy fur Easter to come cuz we be going down to Devonshire Land too see our Gwandma who be 93 years young !!! she be juz amazing soze weze willz take piktures and post dem werry all da hoomanz....dontcha be eatin too much chocolate....makey sure da furbabies dont get any kuz it makes dem pawly......we woods be werry happy wiv some lamb or chikkin or boff !!!!! Baaaaaa haaaa gonna ''hop-off'' and Ize see's you werry gonna go do my Thumper im'paw'sonation......Hippety Hop.