Well, it had to happen.................I did have my first fight/scrap call it what you will and it was ''kinda'' my fault.
I went round to my fwiends house and Harvey (part of my posse) was there and he was playing with his too quite happily but once or twice got a bit too close for my liking so I told him off....then mummy told me off..........so then I told Harvey off again and he did give me a big telling off, with big teeth but silly Mummy didn't know as it was all very quick so Mum tried to put me in the ''submissive'' pose aka Cesar Milan and I didn't half yelp cause it hurt !!! it was only when Mummy put me on her lap that she saw the blood and then she felt werry, werry bad.... So............................(big sigh) she cleaned and bathed it with tcp and water and I was werry bwave and did get some ham when she was doing it so I didn't cwy but my Mummy nearly did as it is da first bite I did get.
Afterwards Harvey looked werry sorry but I would not look at him at all and Mummy thinks it is cuz I was scareded but nope it's cuz I am seriously debating about evicting Harv from my posse cuz you don't bite the paw that pat's you ..............I mean duz ya ? Sooooooo I am taking it all under advicement and we will probably go to ballot but I can be bought with a couple of ''sausages'' so we shall see...................I am recovering and Mum is mixing TLC with TCP ....oh my does it does stink though !!!
As you can see in the photo Mum is having to type today on my behalf.....she is doing ok and I am still werry tired and twaumatized but I will be back to my Cosmolitious self real soon guys...............Please send flowers/chocolates/bones to my fan club ok ? I thank you.
1 comment:
oh my goodness................Is he allright now though
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