Well I am sorry for the delay in ''blogging'' but my Mummy was taken werry poorly and did ave to go ''opital'' which meant I stayed wiv Mum's fwiend an it was a mini holiday for me as she luvs me but we was apart for like 5 days and I did miss her werry werry much but I did texted her each day to let her know how much I weally do wurve her. Oh my goodness when she did come to get me it was such a surprise I wan around and around until I did feel werry dizzy.............Mummy did smelly real funny like lot's of oldie people so she had a long shower when she got home and then she did smell like my Mum. On the first day back with her I wouldnt leave her side and Mum says I am still sticking to her like glue but dat is cuz I am never ever EVER letting her go again. So there !!! In the picture you can see what did happen when silly Mum tried to read a magazine instead of giving me her full attention, she weally is a silly billy ! Laters.com and we welcome everyone back. xxxxxxxx
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
Cosmo would like to point out that he does lub his Tobe's werry werry much as you can see......in the pic I was teaching Tobe's how to be a dawg.........
We have both been werry lucky and found our forever homes and parents and being the same bweed we will always lub one another but also play and teasy somatimes.................... But we both dink each over is pwetty Pawfect.
Toby is in my posse and will always remain there and when I do see im one day I will kiss im a ickle bit but I is not a gay dog but ''Cosima'' my feminine side does come out now and den.
Goodnight and wemember ............................it's Cosmolitious.com
England V France
So the following convo took place between my French ''brother'' now bear in mind I taught him all he knows Toby is aware I say who, I say why and I say when and he is getting a bit too big for his paws, the picture on the right speaks for itself.
My Darling Mummy instigated by advising her Maman that her's (Me) was better ......i.e that I ''AM'' the cutest ickle Yorky and I am sent from the angels from up above, the following is a transcript .......
Toby : I don't fink so Cos, I am more knatrel...ha..ha...woof...woof...my dad left me to cut some grass and eye wuz very un appy
Cosmo : Is your papa back yet Gizmo (a loving nickname given by my doglet to their doglet)......a caring question we thought.......
Toby: Yes ee iz ? I is werry appy to see im, after wot you sed about me, leest he luvs me
Cosmo: He may luv u but what is ''natural'' about somefink that resembles an Eewok mixed with a gremlin ? ha ha ha
Toby : Mamam saiz if u is gonna keep dissing me, eye isnt to talk 2 u know more, I is sadded...I did not fink I woz that uglee.....(obviously Toby's parents do not allow mirrors in the house as you can see by the photographic evidence posted at the beginning of this blog and for those of a nervous disposition we do apologise)
Cosmo: Well now I duz likey u a bit allwight ? I is gonna giv ya a nicker name.....was finking Giz....Cuz u is always like kinda woofing to me.....Giz us one of yor tops Cos & Giz a ''puppy purse'' Cos.....innit dough ? Ow bowt Gizmolitious ? Duz u liket dat ????
Toby : I fink u is bein saar, sarkas, duh, orrible to mee and I dunno y cuz I dont arm anee bodee. in fact I is sleeping most of duh time cos i fink i is deepressed bout the fings u iz saying
END OF TRANSCRIPT as the conversation is now being assessed for legal purposes.
It's FAIRLY obvious Toby is doing his Mr Innocent, let's face what can he do with the get up he was posted wearing on facebook today I mean I ask you.......anyway my adoring fan's you all ''KNOW'' what you must do................go battle forth in my name and shout from the rooftops.......WE WANT COSMO, WE WANT COSMO
Saturday, August 7, 2010
It's the weekend.............................innit.com
Well, it had to happen.................I did have my first fight/scrap call it what you will and it was ''kinda'' my fault.
I went round to my fwiends house and Harvey (part of my posse) was there and he was playing with his too quite happily but once or twice got a bit too close for my liking so I told him off....then mummy told me off..........so then I told Harvey off again and he did give me a big telling off, with big teeth but silly Mummy didn't know as it was all very quick so Mum tried to put me in the ''submissive'' pose aka Cesar Milan and I didn't half yelp cause it hurt !!! it was only when Mummy put me on her lap that she saw the blood and then she felt werry, werry bad.... So............................(big sigh) she cleaned and bathed it with tcp and water and I was werry bwave and did get some ham when she was doing it so I didn't cwy but my Mummy nearly did as it is da first bite I did get.
Afterwards Harvey looked werry sorry but I would not look at him at all and Mummy thinks it is cuz I was scareded but nope it's cuz I am seriously debating about evicting Harv from my posse cuz you don't bite the paw that pat's you ..............I mean duz ya ? Sooooooo I am taking it all under advicement and we will probably go to ballot but I can be bought with a couple of ''sausages'' so we shall see...................I am recovering and Mum is mixing TLC with TCP ....oh my does it does stink though !!!
As you can see in the photo Mum is having to type today on my behalf.....she is doing ok and I am still werry tired and twaumatized but I will be back to my Cosmolitious self real soon guys...............Please send flowers/chocolates/bones to my fan club ok ? I thank you.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Happy Happy
Well I had a very lovely afternoon and played with bestest fwiend in the whole world Lola (that is bestest doggy fwiend as Mummy is by bestest bestest fwiend).............Mum did us a kong each and we enjoyed them and then we played and were werry appy like you an see in the foto........
I then got to thinking about walking and I came up wiv this.........
There is a misconception that your human will take you for a walk. This suggests that they will lead you. Wrong. The lead is affixed to you, therefore the responsibility lies with you in the direction of travel. Go where you want; your human will follow. If they try to restrain you, make some loud gagging and coughing noises when other people are around. Your human will fear that someone may report them for cruelty, and will therfore ease off the restraining. Always use this point in time to run faster.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Doggy Parlour
Soooooooooooooo, it's fairly apparent Mum is taking Lola & yours truly to the grooming parlour today....................we both got wind of it earlier when she didn't spent nearly as much time brushing my hair...........Mum is convinced she wants the ''bob'' look for me.............similar to the doglet in SATC2 who is actually quite a cool dude and kinda in my posse as you need a few celebs now and then to raise your game...........in the movie he is called ''baby'' but in real life he is called Gidget (I like it) Gormley (not so much) and is quite a veteran but looks kinda my age but is in fact 15 years old so really he is pushing a 100 so fair play to the chap as he is still in the movies and not suffering any ageism that the ''ladies'' seem to go through.
Anyhow.....if I am happy with my cut I will duly post pictures..........if it all goes quiet then you know I am throwing my bones out of my pram.
later girls & guys xx
Anyhow.....if I am happy with my cut I will duly post pictures..........if it all goes quiet then you know I am throwing my bones out of my pram.
later girls & guys xx
Sunday, August 1, 2010
It's gonna be...................a lovely day............
Well we all had a very lovely day yesterday..............in the morning I allowed Mum and Dad to bring Lola and Raider down to the river with Mum, Dad and moi for a lovely walk and the brekkie, it was luvverly and I looked tooooo cute and received a ton of pets and oooohhhs and aaaagghhhsss, so did the other doglets but I am sure I got the most................suppose I will let them have some pic's up (just to fill up the blog don't you see).
We then went home and had a rest before Mum decided we would go exploring so Dad drove to a town called Totnes which Mum said was ''only'' 37 minutes away from us.....................I was sure there was another lady in the car as I kept on hearing a voice bossing Dad on where to drive and when to turn left, I couldnt find her and she is even bossier than mum !!! tee hee.
Totnes is very pretty and has lot's of smelly fishes that my Mum loves but luckily she had a ''gourmet burger'' for lunch (mum has meat when she is due her b12 jab which means I get treats !!!)................I did help her a bit with it but only cuz it was 100% pure steak (that is what the menu did say)................it was rather scrumdiddly and a welcome hold filler as I didn't eat my breakfast and Mum doesn't let me mess around any more so after a long time............about 10 minutes but to us doggies it's over an hour she does pick the bowl up and put the food in the bin which I think is very cheeky but I suppose I must learn.
Anyway......back to Totnes which is full of werry werry steap hills so I was rather glad I was being carried in my puppy purse even though Mum says I look like a ''european wrestler wearing a leotard'' (whatever that is or means !!!), lot's of people stopped and stared, some laughed, some stroked me and I am getting much better at allowing people to touch me as I think it helps them when they touch a cutey pie like me, Mum says it can be furapootic or something like that so I normally let them.
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