Monday, January 19, 2009

January is cold and wet

I am loving January as we have had the most rain on record.......Mum and Dad don't seem that impressed and Mum had another friend to stay - Denise - who I liked as she had blonded hair like Mum's............I do seem to have a thing about dark hair/eyes, they kinda spooky me...Mum even tried a few sessions with a dog trainer and a dog whisperer but...nope...didn't

Mum's the one for me, that's all I require...thanks very much...talking of Mum she did spend a lot of time at the beach with her friend Denise and I was most unimpressed....Dad drove them both on ''Nana'' day so they took me in the car and I thought....finally as I love the sand and the sea but as we got to the hotel they just jumped straight out of the car even though the concierge ooohed and aaaghhed over me and said I could come as I was so small. Harumph as you humans would say......Now we have a huge adventure coming up and I know it has something to do with a blue travel case that Mum keep's of putting me....I was not happy at all the first time but I am kinda getting Mum's drift that I basically stay quiet whilst I am in their ....all I know is France keeps getting mentioned and Mum is practising this funny language.....also know that Mum's Mum lives there with Grandpop's who I love so watch this space ....qui ?

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