Monday, April 1, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Long time no woof !
Hewwwwwo my dear pals......well, whatz kan I say cept we haz been ''VERY'' bad at updating my blog for many reasons BUT we iz back and haz soooooo much to update you on, I did get married !!! to my wunnerful fiance Prissy Brenner-Cowderoy on da 31st December !!! I waz da luckiest man ever and da pickture above waz my weddinks had a werry luvvly Tuxedo Bowdana and my werry own crown !!! me willz get piktures ob my bootiful wife Prissy but my poota is playinks up at da momint.
We had a luvvly Kissmass and I was werry & gifts & luv's and haz also now taken to sleepinks in bed ALL nite wiv mum and beinks a real fidget bum (so mum says) but I iz da COSMO, I da dog wiv a bob & a blog so I allowed *puts paws on hips*......ooooh on da 1st Feb it waz my 8th Burfday so I weally growinks up......den we hadz Valentines day and now we juzz kant beleebs we iz near da end of Febwuary....where haz da time gone ?
Me wills try weally hard to update more wegularlee otays pals ? Me haz missed youse xxx I see you all weally soon....lozza luv, da Cosmo xxx
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