Saturday, September 1, 2012

Precious Final Take

Hope youse ALL enjoyed it pals xxxx

Pwecious : The Movie

Some of you willz hab wead about my wunnerful sister Pwecious, she sooooo werry spechul to me and has been werry werry pawly with a really aggressib mouth cancer fur 6 monfs now.....she has coped wiv tenacity, strength, laffter and love and most of all her Mama Ellen and her furriends (and I like to fink her brovvas & sisters)......a while ago an auction was held by a group of people to raise money to help a pal Fifi Fish pay her vets bill as she had to have a weally big opewashun on her leg......up fur auction was a ''Moobie'' to made by my werry cleba brovva Nicholas Yorkshire....... here he be.......a wound ob applauze puhleaze folks. Soooooooo a group of us clubbed in and did a group bid of $200 which we knew would help our pal Fifi get her new bionic leg but would also help Pwecious habs an amazing moobie ob her and her pals......well 31 Aug waz da moobie premiere.....we all got dwessed be da STAR ob da Moobie.....PWECIOUS How booootiful duz she look ? , da papawazzi waz out in full force but luckilee we habs a werry spechul security captain....none udder dan my brudda Dilly !!! He lookins sooooo werry regal and managed it all soooooooo wunnerfullly in fact I needs to mention sum werry spechul sister ''Prinnie'' and my brudda ''Nicholas'', dey happens to be a couple and it was Prinnie who masterminded diz moobie Pwemiere and Nicholas who made da moobie so kan I habs a wound of applause puhlease diz iz what happened when dey came out !!! Nicholas & Prinnie - Hollywoods new dynamic duo I ebin wore a Tuxedo AND a Teeeeaaaaarrrrraaaa Many VIP's (Very important pups came to da Moobie)..............and we habs a lovely group shot here........... here be my brudda Giz pwesenting Pwecious wiv a rose.................... There waz just soooooooo many peoples dere ALL to see da ''MOOBIE STAR'' dat is Pwecious and see da moobie ob da decade so befure I shows youse any more piktures I woods like youse all to take a seat and get weddy for da most amazing film ''EVER''.........intwoducing ''Pwecious'' Soooooooo click da post ''Precious Final Take'' above diz one and get weddy (hope you habs sum popcorn). I willz gibs you sum time cuz it do be werry emoshunal but oooooh so werrrrrry spechul. Afta da filming we went on to da after-show Gala party where sum piktures juzz kabt be shown (BOL)......what happens at da Gala Partey stays at da Gala Partey............. One fink dat ebburywun agweed waz we sure duz have a new SUPER-Moobie Star !!!, da one.....the onlee, da imkompawable ''PWECIOUS'' !!!!!!!!!!!! Da crowds went wild and when we got into da venue fur sum dwinks and nibbles Pwecious herself and her lubb-shack boyfurriend did da most incwedible dance in fact I hear da producers from ''Dancing wiv da Starz'' is now in talks wiv Pwecious to appear on da next sewiez and I am sure youse kan all see why !!!, juzz breff-taking moovs and groovs on da dancefloor......loooooky dem. It truloo waz da most amazing night..........we all gottid togevva fur a wunnerful group pikture orchestrwated by da gawjus pawjus regal ''PRINNIE'' we all iz Diz group contains sum ob da most spechul peoples youse will EBA kum to know on facebook and if you are real life......dey my friends......dey my family.....dey my world xxx We iz gonna finish dis post wiv da Moobie Star Pwecious who has ''ALWEDDY'' been awarded her Hollywood Star to be placed in da walk of fame............ and dese final words frum da STAR dat iz Pwecious when she left da theatre lazz night wiv her Mama Ellen....... Walks slowlee tew da door....gettins weady tu shut da lites off ins da Moobie Woom. Tewrns tu mama ans sez.....Mama, dis wuz one ob da bestist days ob me life. Let's go home ans snuggle fow a whilez mama. Always wemembew....fowebba yew ans me mama. *shuts lites off, howlds mama's hand ans fades intu da distance* THE END