Heres we go..........
Az ya kan see....diz me az Santa's cheekie Elf...I elps im a bit soz I getz a good kissmass gift
diz next werry pawetty kard waz dun fur me by my pal Gizmo.....I fawt it waz wubbly xxx fanks Giz, in fakt he didz da 1st wun too of me....he werry cleba, well he az ta be cuz he be my mate , BOL.
nowz ya kan seez i az a bit of ''attitude'' in diz pic....I iz lookin well cool and diz was dun fur me by my pal Buffy who wote a book an I iz in it !!! whooooo bing bong, we iz sooooo xcitid.
and finallees
Well pals....I weally hopes ya haz a wunnerful kissmass an fur all my new & old furriends...I haz had a wunnerful time meetin an chatting wiv ya diz year....i wubs you all and I be back soon and wememba....iz ''Cosmolitious'' xxxxxx mwah