So mum and antee Tarnia waz getting weddy today and dey kept on saying fings bout boats & lycra, den mummy gets me wardrobe an selekts a foo fings ta cover all ''ewentualitees'' so she say....we started as ya kan see wiv da nawty....nope....nautical fact first wun was wite as u will see in da wideo !!! i wuz a bit nawty wiv barkin at da bikes !
So we set off at a heady pace....I waz werry excitid......but dere be too many bikes so i gotz inta a bitz a trubble along da way......i iz werry scared a wheels....dontz know why...i hates em i do.........
so mummy den sniffed sum burgers and we waz all hungwy so we went and found sum da bar....what a surprise !!!
and when mum went ta order da burgers i didn't hab ta look fur nom noms on da floor cuz da lady cookin da burgers gabe me my own ickle one cuz i was soooooo cute !!! ooooh it was tasty meat so I was werry appy....dey eben waz gunna gib me a snauzage but I waz full up !!!
diz waz one a da boat races......habn't a clue who waz rowin but it was werry noisy.....cheering & stuff
diz was a lady in a wace and she waz da winner.....da ova lady was way way behind, it be hard work !
So there waz lots an lotz a races......I did eben hab a snoooooze.......till da hoomanz started cheerin and shoutin and going ra ra ra....whatz dat all about eh ??? anyway's dere was biz boats...small boats...even wussians in boats (dey won all da waces dey waz in) werry strong dey more pics
after a few more glases a wine and bout 25 more baot waces mummy and antee T decided to aktually take me fur a pwoper walk and it waz lubbly....i fink I walked da farvest in a long time.................
so after we had finished our walk we decided to ab a treat...mine was being put in my puppy purse cuz i was sooooooooooooooo tired........diz iz a werry good cuntraptun for if u iz tired or for me when i az a poorly leg datz still be mending and weally good when u iz travelling...mum uses it on the train.
and den................lo and behold we saw da most lubbliest fing......mummy called it retro..........
mummy say she koodnt wemember da last time she had a 99....i ad no idea what she waz saying but it sure did look she had sum and den she fawt about her baby boy..........aaarrrhhh
get weddy...................wait fur it.......................itza coming.......................oh i love you ma xxxxxxx
and dat waz da end of a werry lubbly day.................i iz soooooo cream crackered now I gonna snooze and will catch youz all later but i duz opes u enjoyed my ickle bit of da regatta xxxxx lubs ya