Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bessie's Fight

This be about my furriend Bessie who is fighting da nasty cancer......she is winning xxxx Click da link above to weed ovva postings....some are happy, some are sad but Bess is a winner................

Bessie's fight: Turning corners.: Just a quickie... we think Bess has turned a corner. No accidents over night, and she even enjoyed a short walk this morning. We’ve been giving her tiny amounts of boiled chicken fairly regularly and she’s definitely got more strength as a result.
She won’t be left alone at all, and we will take it very, very easy for a couple of days - so long walks and big meals are out!
Thank you for all the lovely messages via Facebook, Twitter, text and email. We’re always very grateful that Bess is in so many people’s hearts........... 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The wunnerful fing about tiggers............hmmmmmmmmmm ?

So ''Mummy'' bought me a PJ outfit......................go ahead & laugh.....mind u dey duz keep me warm

So I was chillin.......den I looked in da mirror.....meanwhile Mummy is singing ''da wunnerful fing about Tigger, iz Tiggers a wunnerful fing !!!!!!!!!!!! I mean what the fudgey wudge so I just went...

Twas lubbly......couldnt ere anyfink or see Tigger is kwite wunnerful in a way !!! 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Da Regatta

So mum and antee Tarnia waz getting weddy today and dey kept on saying fings bout boats & lycra, den mummy gets me wardrobe an selekts a foo fings ta cover all ''ewentualitees'' so she say....we started as ya kan see wiv da nawty....nope....nautical fact first wun was wite as u will see in da wideo !!! i wuz a bit nawty wiv barkin at da bikes !

So we set off at a heady pace....I waz werry excitid......but dere be too many bikes so i gotz inta a bitz a trubble along da way......i iz werry scared a wheels....dontz know why...i hates em i do.........

so mummy den sniffed sum burgers and we waz all hungwy so we went and found sum da bar....what a surprise !!!

 and when mum went ta order da burgers i didn't hab ta look fur nom noms on da floor cuz da lady cookin da burgers gabe me my own ickle one cuz i was soooooo cute !!! ooooh it was tasty meat so I was werry appy....dey eben waz gunna gib me a snauzage but I waz full up !!!

diz waz one a da boat races......habn't a clue who waz rowin but it was werry noisy.....cheering & stuff

diz was a lady in a wace and she waz da winner.....da ova lady was way way behind, it be hard work !

So there waz lots an lotz a races......I did eben hab a snoooooze.......till da hoomanz started cheerin and shoutin and going ra ra ra....whatz dat all about eh ??? anyway's dere was biz boats...small boats...even wussians in boats (dey won all da waces dey waz in) werry strong dey more pics

after a few more glases a wine and bout 25 more baot waces mummy and antee T decided to aktually take me fur a pwoper walk and it waz lubbly....i fink I walked da farvest in a long time.................

so after we had finished our walk we decided to ab a treat...mine was being put in my puppy purse cuz i was sooooooooooooooo tired........diz iz a werry good cuntraptun for if u iz tired or for me when i az a poorly leg datz still be mending and weally good when u iz travelling...mum uses it on the train.

and den................lo and behold we saw da most lubbliest fing......mummy called it retro..........

mummy say she koodnt wemember da last time she had a 99....i ad no idea what she waz saying but it sure did look she had sum and den she fawt about her baby boy..........aaarrrhhh

get weddy...................wait fur it.......................itza coming.......................oh i love you ma xxxxxxx

and dat waz da end of a werry lubbly day.................i iz soooooo cream crackered now I gonna snooze and will catch youz all later but i duz opes u enjoyed my ickle bit of da regatta xxxxx lubs ya

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My adopted Brovva King Presley

Presley lives far away in bonnie Scotland....we ''clicked'' on facebook and he's become a very good pal of much so we az adopted each ovva as facebook bro' u may knows datz i az me problems burying an eatin me Bonio's so Presley very kindly offered to help bury my recent Bonio dat da lady in da shop gibs me along wiv a lynx Bowdana (da faux fur one's) dis video shows Pressers and his sister Molly getting da package and opening it...............iz werry good.........

  • Sandra Cooksley Aw what fun you had But you didnt share your biscuit why 
  • Presley 'King Presley' Murray Nope cos it was all mine to hide - and no one will ever find it now :-)) Mollee got extra biscuits from Mum :-))

  • Presley 'King Presley' Murray how many times can my Mum say 'beautiful' in one video clip - thats why its called you tube LOL xx

  • Toby Lawrence Eye gotta say Presley, ya look pwettty darn gud wiv dat on ya xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Catriona MacIntyre Ho Missurprezlee - it's mee Brahan. Ah've highjakt ma mum's facie. It's dedd cool yoo now have a bananandana liek mee. Dey is a big fashun staytmint. Mine is pyoor rid an ma Antylooeez got me it fae Merika. Oops better go now

  • Dusty Whippet wowee.. I loved watching this video. Mum said she felt sorry for Mollee but good to hear that she got some biscuits after all. You have such a nice backyard to play in. I love your new bandana..I want one. Your mum is very considerate to make sure you don't dirty it while you play. I wish I could play with you and Mollee!!!

  • Presley 'King Presley' Murray Well see ma Mollee she only likes certain types of biskits and wont even take toast if its got jam or anything on it - see mee I eat anything :-))

  • Toby Lawrence me two.......................​..........................​...............yum yum to anyfink...................​.....

  • Dusty Whippet oh yes..I saw that you really like your food...I think you liked the biscuit more than the bandana?

  • Presley 'King Presley' Murray No, see thing is this I had a mission to do for my wee brother Cosmo Cowderoy I promised to hide a bonio for him, so thats why I had to attend to that first as top priority, before someone stole it and hid it from me :-))

  • Presley 'King Presley' Murray but thing is this....see when I go out to special things, I do like to wear something real smart so that I look the bizness for my No.1 babes :-)))

  • Dusty Whippet KP, why did your wee brother, Cosmo want you to hide the bonio? Is he going to come around and find it?

  • Presley 'King Presley' Murray Nope Dusty, see its a long story, but Cosmo was looking for a real good hiding place and spent days looking for just the right place - so see mee, I offered to hide it in a place no one will ever find it, and I niver tell a lies xxxx

  • Cosmo Cowderoy i lubs da video sure looks andsome and no-one iz ''EBA'' gonna find dat Bonio....job well done :) tell your ma dough dat the Bowdana's are werry hardy and can go in the washing machine on a delicate cycle (put it in a pillowcase and tie it up or a ''lingerie'' idea what diz iz ?) i az rolled in poo....been in mud, da wiver and da sea in my faux fur one's and dey all cums up as good az new....see da Lynx one I ad on yesserday ? cubbered in ducky poo a while back but we washed it and ironed it and job Now u weally suits da title King Presley....gonna ab ta get u a crown xxx

  • Presley 'King Presley' Murray Well see fing is this Cosmo, Mum was worried that Mollee would pure grab me by the next with her teef and damage it and see mee I do like to dress up real smart when I goes out so that all the babes thinks I'm cool and dapper :-))) xx

  • Cosmo Cowderoy datz a werry good point Bro xoxo

  • Cynthia Crowder-Coffee Molly is being very gracious! I hope she gets a package from Cosmo, too. The bandana looks really 'fetch' on Pres!

  • Presley 'King Presley' Murray next lol should be neck!! ah canny spell today :-))

  • Presley 'King Presley' Murray Aww see I ken this wood happen poor Mollee got nuffing, cos see fing is this....see last week Smallee got hunners of new fings and ah didnt and nobuddee says oh poor presser .......and the thing is this see Smallee she stole my Des Res house too....Wee Smallee is a daddys girl, unless she is hurted then she is a Mummys girl - but she gets real spoiled more than me :-)))))) xxx

  • Lynda Graham Can I push the 'share' button so Moxie's auntie Fiona can see this video. She sent some details of bandanas to him on fb yesterday. So'll be recieving doggie panties through the post next from all your girl fans (as long as they are not doggie incontinence knickers)!

  • Presley 'King Presley' Murray oh doggee knickers OMG am not sure what to say about that :-))))
  • Presley 'King Presley' Murray oh yeah push the share button :-)) xx

  • Fiona Buy Hann oh presley how handsome you look, how lucky are you??? xx

  • Presley 'King Presley' Murray Yip, I'm a lucky boy to have so many nice friends xxx

  • Fenella Roberts You are so gorgeous Presley, and Molly is lovely too xxx

  • Dee Hughes well i loved watching that little film of you Presley you are gorgous but no need to snarl at mollee.. xxx

  • June Benyo Very posh looks cool x

  • Dee Hughes Pres i loved ya bandana and you have a huge garden to play in u r so lucky. hope ya dads better today xx
June Benyo You say the bonio is in a safe hiding place so no-one will ever find it WELL auntee June thinks it was in your tummy, I say you ate it ??? and quite right too, what do you say about that then? do I get a prize for this one Presley? x

    Da End and as ya will ave seen in da wideo......da Bonio is werry werry well hidden....fanks Bro xxxxxx

Sunday, August 7, 2011

On the cover of a magazine

It was only a matter a time but when Cosmopolitan heard about me and den dey did see me.....well.....dat as dey say iz dat !!!!! ahem....ladies and gentlemen and all my anipals....I gibs you da one, da only.....