So mum decides she wants to go shopping....bit of food and a bit a dis n dat but duzn't wanna leave me at da Otel place but knows she aint allowed to take me into da she get's dis big bag out.........
So I looks at her.........
U is up to sumfink....I can tell
she then put's a towell in her bag...I wealises it's her Gucci holdall, I aint normally allowed ta look at it ?........................................why would she put a towell in it......why she do that ?We then has a nice walk and all is going well........we goes 2 a pet shop and I getz giben a gwavy bone, even meets anovva dawg....a Yorkie in fact called Teddy (orginal.....not)........we leaves da pet shop an mum is actin werry furtively.......den........she goes to a ''kwiet'' place.....and plonks me in da Gucci (she did this at Gatwick when we went ta pick up Gwandma !!!)....twas ok and its big an all but I is sure I kood be awwested if we did eva get cawt ??? !!!.............she lets me head poke out a bit and cubbers me wiv a pashmina (shawl fing)............I ears all dese odd noises....den I ears ''kerching'' dat be £16.78 pease....we walks a short distance and .................... ba ba boom...........................freedom !!!
So we walks off back to da outta da Gucci and walkin on me is barking but I wuvs ya....................... Da end of our mission but I finks I was werry impawtant in it !!!!!