Sunday, February 1, 2009

Leaving on a Jet Plane.................................


So I am in ''France'' ...... what the F*** , Now I know why Maman kept on putting me in a blue bag !!! We went on this very big machine that took us up into the sky and Mummy put me in her bed, let me out of the bag and I slept smuggled under the blanket for lot's of snuggles.

Apparently I woke Mum up by snoring around 4 hours later and some ''hostesess'' kept walking past me patting me ( I think they love me ).........when we woke I went back in my bag and we came to a very noisy place that Mum said on the phone was Paris Airport ???

Mum then went for a shower and I pottered about in the bathroom and had some water and food and we then got on a very big machine called a train ??? this stage I was being sooooooooooooo brave, I was in my Puppy Purse and ready to take on the world....pic's to come Mon Amis.........I am now at my Grandparents with Mum and am trying to make friends with the two chiens that live here, one is a fellow Yorky and we are friends already, the other is a Jack Russel cross and did try to have a go, I let ''her'' have a shot but no more nice guy if she try's it on again.

Anyway, today is a momentous day as it's also my 4th Birthday, whilst knowing I am just toooooo cute for words and look no more than 1 year, I do feel more mature and wordly wise after all this Jet setting so will look to aquire some extra chic whilst in France.

Au Revour Mon Amies.......until later

Cosmo - Une Petit Chien.Com